Summer Camp

Hearts of Mercy Summer Camp 2024

Welcome to Hearts of Mercy Summer Camp where children explore fun activities that build confidence, build relationships, create good habits, explore nature, learn new skills, and experience opportunities the world has to offer.

The following is a list of activities we foresee for/with this year’s camp:

  • Outdoor Sports
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Drama, Music & Dance
  • Educational games
  • Bonding & Character Building
  • Field trip to the beach, bay, park or nature preserve
  • Guest Speakers

Guest Speakers from our past camps included:

  • Law Enforcement Officers, Fire Chief
  • Artists, Musicians, Athletes
  • Cultural Educators
  • Naturist/Park Rangers

Our past camps included:

  • SPORTS: Soccer, relay, football
  • CRAFT: Tye Dye, drum making, making a dime bank
  • GAMES: Scavenger hunt, grocery games, 
  • SCIENCE: Nature field study at the lake, first aid lesson with take home first aid kit, sound exploration, baking cupcakes, forensics
  • DRAMA: 3 scene play with dance, sing-along
  • Sign language, understanding the body, positive psychology, making place setting at the dinner table, writing thank you cards

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